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Akash Sharma - Contnet Whale

Akash Sharma

Hi, I talk about tips and tricks about content writing, storytelling, funneling, and more!

how to create pillar content

How to Create Pillar Content That Drives Traffic

Master the art of creating pillar content with this detailed strategy guide, including examples and tips on cluster content to boost SEO.

Akash Sharma14 minsMay 16, 2024
Content Outline

Master the Content Outline and Conquer Your Writer’s Block

Staring at a blank page, willing words to appear, is a common experience for bloggers and content creators. You have a great topic in mind, but crafting a clear, engaging, and informative piece can feel daunting. Enter the content outline: your secret weapon against writer’s block and the key to creating high-quality content that resonates […]

Akash Sharma6 minsMay 14, 2024
Scamper method

SCAMPER Method: Detailed Everything-You-Need-to-Know Guide

Creativity and innovation are the backbones of successful business strategies, demanding effective techniques that keep ideas flowing. Enter the SCAMPER method, a powerful tool designed to spark creativity and encourage innovation.  This method provides a structured approach to creative problem-solving, making it an essential part of product development strategies. By integrating the SCAMPER method into […]

Akash Sharma15 minsMay 13, 2024
How to Create Infographics

How to Create Infographics in 10 Easy Steps [With Examples]

How to create infographics? This question highlights a critical skill in today’s digital communication sphere. An infographic is a powerful tool that condenses complex data into easy-to-understand visual representations, enhancing the way we process and retain information. The art of creating these visual summaries involves more than just aesthetics; it requires a strategic understanding of […]

Akash Sharma17 minsMay 13, 2024
long-form content SEO, content marketing, long-form articles, benefits of long-form content

3 Exceptional Benefits of Long-form Content That Boosts SEO

Long-form content significantly boosts SEO rankings by naturally incorporating multiple keywords and improving user engagement. It keeps readers on your page for extended periods, which enhances dwell time and reduces bounce rates. This type of content helps demonstrate expertise and authority, making your website a trusted source of information. Moreover, long-form articles are valuable assets in content marketing, driving higher conversion rates by providing comprehensive, high-quality information that resonates with readers. Embracing the benefits of long-form content can elevate your digital strategy and yield substantial results.

Akash Sharma10 minsMay 13, 2024
best books on marketing, books on marketing, books to learn marketing, top 10 books on marketing, books on marketing strategy, best marketing books of all time, best marketing books for beginners

10 Best Books on Marketing You Should Read in 2024

Why read books about marketing? In our fast-paced digital era, staying updated with the latest and best books on marketing strategy and practices is essential for anyone looking to excel in this dynamic field.  Each year, numerous books to learn marketing are published, but only a few stand out as truly transformative. This year, we’ve […]

Akash Sharma14 minsMay 13, 2024
how to convert leads to customers, how to convert potential customers into buyers e-commerce, how to convert potential customers into buyers example, how to convert leads into customers, how to convert leads into sales

How to Convert Leads Into Customers? A Strategic Guide

How to convert leads to customers remains a fundamental question for any e-commerce business aiming to thrive. Converting leads into buyers is not just about making a sale; it’s about creating sustainable business growth. The challenges here are manifold, ranging from understanding customer behavior to effectively engaging them at every touchpoint. E-commerce businesses often struggle […]

Akash Sharma11 minsMay 13, 2024
SWOT analysis in marketing, marketing audit swot analysis, marketing strategy swot, swot analysis marketing, digital marketing swot analysis, swot template for marketing

SWOT Analysis in Marketing: Auditing New Prospects

Understanding your competitive edge and areas for improvement is essential in today’s marketing environment. This is where SWOT analysis in marketing comes into play.  It’s an analytical framework that helps businesses identify their internal Strengths and Weaknesses, along with external Opportunities and Threats. This approach is not only vital for strategic planning but also crucial […]

Akash Sharma12 minsMay 13, 2024
Best and Most Popular CMS Platforms in 2024

5 Best and Most Popular CMS Platforms in 2024

A Content Management System (CMS) revolutionizes how we build and manage websites. This guide highlights the top 5 CMS platforms of 2024, helping you decide on the best CMS 2024 for your needs. From the flexibility of WordPress CMS to the innovative best headless CMS options, each platform offers unique advantages. Understand what a CMS is and why platforms like WordPress continue to be the go-to choice for many. Whether you're a developer or a first-time website owner, find the top 5 cms platforms that make website management intuitive and effective.

Akash Sharma11 minsMay 12, 2024
Content Calendars

Content Calendars: Effortless Content Strategy for Startups

A surprising 90% of companies now use a content marketing calendar, revealing a universal truth across industries: effective storytelling and strategic content dissemination are non-negotiable for growth. For startups, this isn’t just another line item in the marketing budget; it’s the beacon that guides them through the competitive storm of the digital marketplace. Crafting a content […]

Akash Sharma20 minsMay 12, 2024
Content Formats | Content Channels

12 Content Formats and Channels Every Startup Should Experiment With

In the realm of startup growth, the significance of content marketing is not just a matter of speculation but is backed by compelling statistics. For instance, it’s interesting to note that the most popular content types among B2B marketers are short articles/posts, videos, and case studies/customer stories. This reflects a diverse approach to content strategy, […]

Akash Sharma14 minsMay 12, 2024
Buyer personas

Mastering Buyer Personas: Essential Tips for Startups

Imagine this: according to a study by HubSpot, companies who exceed their revenue goals are 7.4 times more likely to segment their database by buyer personas than those who missed revenue goals. This statistic alone underscores the immense power of buyer personas, especially for startups striving to carve out their niche in competitive markets. Buyer personas are […]

Akash Sharma8 minsMay 12, 2024

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