Beauty article ideas | beauty content ideas

50+ Beauty Article Ideas to Boost Web Traffic

Beauty Industry is filled with remarkable brands who have taken over the whole market, giving little to no space for new brands to position themselves as competitors. However, even though you are new to the industry, you can still gain significant amount of customer base if you can use content marketing strategies correctly. Articles and blogs are one of the most powerful tools at your disposal to gain limelight, significantly faster.

13 mins read
February 28, 2024

Facing stagnant audience reach? Need effective beauty article ideas to drive traffic?

Beauty industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. Statista reports that in 2023, the beauty & personal care industry generated a revenue of 625 billion dollars with a positive CAGR of 3.32% for 2023-2028. 

Process innovation, product differentiations and unique marketing strategies are the bases of any company surviving in this red-hot ocean. So, if you are new to the industry or if your business growth is stagnant, there is a way. You can start writing health and beauty articles. 

Why? The ROI! You don’t need a high budget like influencer marketing or creating marketing campaigns. Writing health and beauty articles is a low investment, high returns tactic that most firms use to establish supremacy . However, what you should be writing about is still a question research topic.

In this article, we will share with you 50+ beauty article ideas that you can use to create captivating and informative posts for your audience. 

We made sure that these health and beauty article ideas are well-researched according to the latest trends and keywords being searched on the search engines in the beauty industry.

Who Are We?

We are Content Whale, a content writing company specializing in many domains such as article writing, blog writing, graphic design, etc. With our 42+ content solutions, we have been a significant part of 1500+ companies’ growth across sectors globally. 

For the health & beauty industry, we have 500+ expert beauty writers and 50+ SME editors with extensive knowledge and experience in the beauty industry. 

Throughout the years, we have worked with many health & beauty brands, helping them with beauty article ideas and then, if asked, writing them to grow their business at least threefold in a short period of time.

A Small Brief of Beauty Industry

Here are some things you should know about beauty as a whole industry before writing health and beauty articles.

What Does the Beauty Industry Include?

Types of products and services included in beauty industry | Beauty content ideas

The beauty industry is a broad and diverse sector encompassing various products, and services, and activities related to enhancing one’s appearance and well-being. The beauty industry includes:

  • Cosmetics: Makeup, skincare, haircare, nail care, fragrances, etc.
  • Personal Care: Soap, shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, etc.
  • Salon and Spa Services: Hair cutting, styling, colouring, waxing, threading, manicure, pedicure, facial, massage, etc.
  • Beauty Devices: Hair dryers, curling irons, straighteners, epilators, electric razors, etc.
  • Beauty Supplements: Vitamins, minerals, herbs, etc.
  • Beauty Media: Magazines, blogs, podcasts, videos, social media platforms, etc.
Who Glorified the Beauty Industry?

There are many legendary figures throughout history who made the beauty industry what it is today.

Iconic figures like Martha M. Harper, Coco Chanel, Estée Lauder, Madam C.J. Walker, Elizabeth Arden, Jean and Jane Ford, and Harry Styles are some of the brilliant people of the beauty industry. To know more about them, click here.

From breaking stereotypes to self-made billionaires, these legendary figures are quite responsible for revolutionizing the beauty industry in their own way

However, today, a new revolution is seen when the beauty industry is moving towards sustainability and morality.

What Are the Unethical Practices in the Beauty Industry?

Unethical practices in beauty industry | Health and beauty articles

The beauty industry has faced challenges and controversies over the years. Some of the issues raised are:

  • Animal Testing – Mice & rabbits, to the very least.
  • Toxic Ingredients – Such as parabens, phthalates, formaldehyde, lead, etc.
  • Unrealistic Standards – Such as flawless skin, perfect body, white teeth, etc.
  • Diversity and Inclusion – Same old, same old.

However, brands now being aware of these issues are sorting them out by developing their processes with the inclusion of much more sustainable & ethical practices.

How the Beauty Industry is Promoting Sustainability and Morality?

The beauty industry has also made some positive changes and improvements over the years. Some of the achievements that have been celebrated are:

  • Natural and Organic Products – Ayurvedic, natural herbs, etc.
  • Cruelty-Free and Vegan Products – No aminal being harmed.
  • Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Practices – Recyclability, biodegradability, etc.
  • Diverse and Inclusive Beauty – Skin tones, positive body image, self-love, etc.

The beauty industry is a dynamic and exciting sector that offers a lot of opportunities and challenges for both consumers and businesses. 

It is also a highly competitive and saturated market that requires constant innovation and differentiation to stand out and succeed.

That’s why we are sharing a few beauty article ideas for you to write health and beauty articles on. However, if you need professional article writing services, you can reach out to us here for quality SEO-optimized health and beauty articles.

50+ Beauty Article Ideas for your Health and Beauty Articles

beauty article ideas | beauty content ideas | best beauty topics to write on

Here are some of the health and beauty article ideas that you can use for writing your health and beauty articles. These beauty article ideas and topics are based on the current trends and keywords in the beauty industry, while making them niche-specific and SEO-friendly.

You can use these beauty article ideas and topics as they are or tweak them according to your brand’s tone, voice, and style. You can also use tools like AnswerThePublic or BuzzSumo to find more ideas or variations.

Skin Care Articles Ideas

• The Benefits of Niacinamide for Your Skin: What You Need to Know

• How to Identify and Treat Common Summertime Rashes

• The Best Skin Care Routine for Your Skin Type and Concerns

• How to Get Rid of Acne Scars and Hyperpigmentation with Natural Remedies

• The Benefits of CBD Oil for Your Skin: How to Use It and What to Avoid

• The Best Exercises and Yoga Poses for Glowing Skin

• The Benefits of Turmeric for Your Skin: How to Use It and What to Avoid

• How to Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally

• The Best Skincare Routine for Your Age

Ad: If you need more optimized beauty article ideas and topics or want quality-driven health and beauty articles written for you, contact us here.

• How to Exfoliate Your Skin the Right Way

• The Best Skincare Products for Men

• The Best Anti-Aging Skincare Ingredients You Should Know About

• The Benefits of Using a Jade Roller for Your Skin

• How to Do a Facial at Home with Natural Ingredients

• How to Remove Makeup Without Damaging Your Skin

• How to Make Your Own DIY Face Masks with Common Kitchen Ingredients

• How to Treat and Prevent Ingrown Hairs with Natural Remedies

• How to Grow Your Eyebrows Faster and Thicker: A Guide to the Best Products and Remedies

• How to Protect Your Skin from Environmental Damage: The Best Ingredients and Products

Hair Care Article ideas:

• The Risks of Using Lemon Juice to Lighten Your Hair

• How to Achieve Sun-Kissed Locks Without Damaging Your Hair

• How to Use Rosemary Water for Shinier, Healthier, and Faster-Growing Hair

• The Best Foods and Supplements for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails

• How to Choose the Right Hair Color for Your Skin Tone and Personality

• How to Make Your Own DIY Hair Masks with Common Kitchen Ingredients

• How to Curl Your Hair Without Heat

Ad: If you need more optimized beauty article ideas and topics or want quality-driven health and beauty articles written for you, contact us here.

• 5 Easy Hairstyles for Busy Mornings

• The Best Hair Colors for Your Skin Tone

• How to Prevent and Treat Split Ends

• The Best Hairstyles for Your Face Shape

Make-up and Beauty Articles Ideas:

• How to Make Your Own Natural and Organic Cosmetics at Home

• The Ultimate Guide to Korean Beauty Products and Trends

• How to Do a French Manicure at Home: The Best Tools and Techniques

• How to Find the Best Foundation for Your Skin Tone and Undertone

• The Best Lipsticks for Every Skin Tone and Mood

• The Best Mascara for Every Lash Type and Look

• The Ultimate Guide to Eyebrow Shaping

Ad: If you need more optimized beauty article ideas and topics or want quality-driven health and beauty articles written for you, contact us here.

• 10 Best Lipsticks for Every Occasion

• How to Use Color Correctors for Flawless Skin

• How to Apply False Eyelashes Like a Pro

• How to Nail the No-Makeup Makeup Look

• The Top 10 Beauty Trends for 2023

• How to Clean Your Makeup Brushes Properly

Ad: If you need more optimized beauty article ideas and topics or want quality-driven health and beauty articles written for you, contact us here.

• How to Achieve Salon-Quality Nails at Home

• How to Contour Your Face Like a Celebrity

• How to Master the Winged Eyeliner Look

• How to Find Your Signature Scent

• How to Apply Bronzer for a Sun-Kissed Look

• The Best Vegan and Cruelty-Free Beauty Brands

• The Best Beauty Apps You Need to Download Now

Broad Experimental Health and Beauty Articles Ideas:

• The Benefits of Using Coconut Oil for Your Hair and Skin

• The Difference Between BB Cream, CC Cream, and DD Cream

• How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety with Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

• How to Create a Spa-Like Experience at Home

Ad: If you need more optimized beauty article ideas and topics or want quality-driven health and beauty articles written for you, contact us here.

• Face Yoga: Does It Really Work and How to Do It at Home

• How to Use Coconut Oil for Your Hair, Skin, and Body: The Best Tips and Recipes

• How to Incorporate Ayurveda into Your Daily Life: The Doshas, the Elements, and the Practices

• How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Your Hair, Skin, and Health: The Best Tips and Recipes

Ad: If you need more optimized beauty article ideas and topics or want quality-driven health and beauty articles written for you, contact us here.

Why Should You Hire Expert Beauty Writers?

It may happen that even if you have beauty article ideas with you but you find difficulty in creating health and beauty articles. Creating blogs is not that easy if you are new to this and especially if you are in beauty industry. You need:

  • Really good knowledge of the beauty industry
  • Expertise in writing thought-provoking content
  • Deep knowledge of SEO optimization

That’s why outsourcing your requirements to expert beauty writers can be a smart move for your business, if you don’t have resources to hire an in-house team. Beauty writers take these beauty article ideas to create high-quality and original content that showcases your brand voice, personality, expertise, and value proposition.

Outsourcing your health and beauty articles to SME beauty writers helps save time and money. They will take care of the research on the given beauty article ideas, then the writing, editing, and formatting of your health and beauty articles. 

An SEO expert beauty writer will use best SEO practices to find the right keywords based on the given beauty article ideas and topics, implementing them in headings, subheadings, and images. They will also optimize your health and beauty articles to ensure they rank. If you want to know more about best SEO practices, see here.

By hiring expert beauty writers, you can focus on other aspects of your business, such as product development, customer service, marketing, and sales. You can also enjoy the benefits of having consistent and relevant content that attracts more traffic, leads, and customers to your website.

Why Choose Content Whale for Your Health and Beauty Articles?

Best beauty article writing services | best article writing services

Content Whale is a content writing company specializing in many industries including health and beauty. We have worked with many iconic brands such as Wow Skin Science, Nykaa, Plum, Faces Canada, etc.

With our 500+ niche beauty writers, we ensure you get your health and beauty articles of utmost quality based on trending health and beauty article ideas and topics.

We deliver precise and rank-worthy health and beauty articles for you that provide real value to your target audience. We also offer unlimited revisions, plagiarism-free content, fast turnaround time, and customized pricing options.


beauty article ideas | beauty content ideas | best beauty writers

The beauty industry is a highly competitive space. Only with innovative marketing techniques, you will be able to stand out from the crowd.

Here’s a tip for you. Out of these shared beauty article ideas, start writing health and beauty articles. Write these articles keeping your objective aligned with a cause or a problem you are trying to solve in the market. If done right, you will experience remarkable growth in the industry, going too big too fast. 

However, ensure that you stick to the base beauty article ideas to writing your health and beauty articles.

It will help you establish your authority, credibility, and trustworthiness in your niche. And result in more visitors, leads, and customers to your website.

So, ensure that you create health and beauty articles that set a narrative incorporated in a funnel model

Lastly, if you need any assistance in creating health and beauty articles, it is always recommended that you hire a professional article writing company, rather than your own in-house team, due to obvious financial reasons. 

You can rely on Content Whale, as we have a proven track record across industries. Contact us here to start your journey.


Q. What are the topics in beauty?

The topics in beauty are the various products, services, and activities related to enhancing one’s appearance, health, and well-being. Some of the topics in beauty include cosmetics, skincare, haircare, nail care, fragrance, personal care, spa, wellness, fitness, fashion, and more.

Q. How can I write about beauty?

You can write about beauty by choosing a topic that is relevant and interesting to your target audience. You can also write about beauty by using a conversational tone, a clear structure, a catchy headline, a compelling introduction, an informative body, a strong conclusion, and a call to action. 

If you want to know more about article writing, see here.

Q. How do I promote my beauty brand?

You can promote your beauty brand by creating high-quality and engaging content for your website and social media platforms. You can also promote your beauty brand by using SEO-driven health and beauty articles(Best ROI), influencer marketing, email marketing, paid advertising, referrals, reviews, testimonials, and word-of-mouth.

If you are in need of professional article writing assistance, connect with us here.

Q. How do you attract beauty clients?

You can attract beauty clients by creating a unique value proposition for your brand. Ensure that you are offering them:

  • Solutions to their problems
  • Benefits to their needs
  • Discounts to leverage price sensitivity
  • Utmost product quality
  • And finally, incentives for their loyalty.

Q. How do I grow my beauty business?

You can grow your beauty business by creating a loyal customer base. Grow your beauty business by:

  • Expanding your product range
  • Entering new markets
  • Partnering with other brands
  • Launching new campaigns
  • Innovating new ideas
  • Scaling up your operations.

And innovative marketing techniques. If you need professional assistance with unique article writing strategies, click here.

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