Article Writing Services for Banking, Financial Services and Insurance Sector or Industry | Expert Financial Writer | Expert BFSI Writing | Professional Banking and Finance Articles

Why is it Important to Hire an Expert Financial Writer for Your Finance Firm?

The BFSI market is the stem of any booming economy. Thus, its growth is reflected in the development of the economic system itself. This industry runs on trust and credibility gained through profound customer service and crystal-clear communication models. This article showcases the importance of one such communication medium, which helps your business thrive in the BFSI market.

14 mins read
February 24, 2024


According to a report by Statista, in India, around 1.5 lakh companies were registered in FY21, and over 7 lakh were shut down by the end of June 2022. Definitely, the pandemic is one of the significant reasons behind a gap like this. But we see similar trends happening each year. What could lead to such a massive downfall? The management? The product itself? Or the strategies involved? How can you ensure it doesn’t happen to your BFSI firm? And how could financial writers be the key?

Articles are one of the most powerful tools any company has that helps it grow. When coupled with a proper content marketing strategy and an expert financial writer, you can achieve upto 3.5x web traffic in just a month. Though it is important to post consistently, another important aspect is quality. 

In this article, we will try to understand, what are major factors involved in writing an article for the BFSI market and how to do it correctly.

About Us

Content Whale is one of the most affordable article writing services for the BFSI market. Although we provide 42+ content solutions, article writing is one of our strengths in the BFSI market due to our expert financial writers. As an article writing agency, we ensure that we deliver articles that deliver on the intended objectives.

Why Do You Need a Niche Expert Financial Writer for Your BFSI Articles?

Finance Writer | Finance Articlers | Freelance Finance Writer | Financial Editor

Let’s understand how a financial writer could be of use to you.

Suppose you designed a revolutionary banking and finance software and started a SAAS company. It’s been a year since you started, and you are yet to see a breakthrough in the market. You are burning 60% of your financial resources into traditional marketing strategies while witnessing gradual growth. 

You know that your company needs the limelight it deserves. A revolutionary idea realized into an actual industry-ready product cannot vanish into the shadows of obscurity. The problem needs to be solved as early as possible, and that’s when you land on a content marketing technique. 

As a BFSI company, implementing the right content marketing strategy can benefit you immensely. Articles are a major part of such powerful strategies. However, should you hire a generic all-rounder writer with average-quality articles or an expert financial writer? More importantly, who is a financial writer? How will a financial writer benefit you in the long run? Will it be a worthwhile investment? Let’s figure it out.

What Does a Finance Content Writer Do?

A financial writer is a content writer who specializes in the banking, financial services, and insurance niche. The writer has gained years of experience in the BFSI industry and has become a subject matter expert in niches such as financial planning, building insurance awareness, and banking technologies. They can write on various topics in the whole banking, financial services, and insurance domains. 

In addition to their industry knowledge, financial writers have remarkable expertise in curating content that aligns with your requirements. Here are some types of BFSI articles that a financial writer can write which could be of use to you:

a) Educational Articles: As a banking and finance firm, you can share valuable information about the happenings in the industry. Through a financial writer, you can also share tips and tricks kind of content, a how-to guide, regulation updates, best practices, or a process guide about your own products.

There is a plethora of information that you can share with your customers with the help of educational content. A financial writer, based on his expertise, can write and structure these articles in such a way that showcases you as a thought leader.

b) Analytical Articles: Analytical articles are based on data, statistics, and deep market research that you have done on the market and want to share insights on trends, market opportunities, gaps, and blind spots in the BFSI market. 

You can share these insights with a financial writer who, being a BFSI industry expert, can comprehend and write a structured article that reflects your goals and objectives.

c) Opinion Articles: You need to showcase that your opinion matters. It projects you as a thought leader, market expert, and a reliable leader in the minds of your consumers as well as the competition. An expert BFSI article financial writer can write ghost financial articles on your behalf after you share a brief of what you want to talk about.

d) Guest Blogs and Sponsored Press Release Articles: Another way of increasing your brand’s visibility and credibility is by writing guest blogs. These blogs can go on high-authority websites related to your field. A financial writer also writes sponsored press release articles that go on media publications’ websites, which helps you connect to their massive user base. Guest blogs should portray the best of your company’s work, presenting you as an industry expert. Only an expert financial writer can achieve that.

e) Newsletters: You can utilize your email lists effectively by sharing newsletters with your already existing and prospective clients using a BFSI niche financial writer. These newsletters may consist of your latest achievements, your featured blogs, your company’s mentions on other websites, etc. 

Email newsletters are one of the most effective ways to increase your brand recall value by constantly bombarding your prospects with information related to your banking, finance or insurance firm. So, ensure hiring a financial writer who can compile an email newsletter.

f) Product Announcement Articles: These articles are directed towards your loyal customers that you have gained throughout the years. However, these articles are an opportunity to onboard new clients who were waiting for a feature or a product that nobody else is offering or offering at a not-so-value-for-money price. The most effective way of announcing your products through articles is by using an exceptionally talented financial writer.

Content Whale offers a wide range of BFSI subject matter experts for writing your finance articles, banking articles, or insurance firm articles, even with minimal inputs. Each financial writer brings his own creative writing technique to cater to your requirements. 

Although, in the times of AI being a significant part of our daily research, you may think, why hire an expert financial writer? AI can write articles for you. Isn’t it? 

Tools like ChatGPT, BingAI, and Google Bard are some of the most widely used Gen-AI models. When companies like Tech Mahindra, CRISIL, and Nextbillion have already integrated Gen-AI models into their work culture, why not you? 

Should you have your BFSI articles written by AI, or should you still hire financial writers? Let’s understand.

Can AI Write Your Finance Articles?

AI Writing Tools Vs Expert Financial Writer | AI Vs Human | AI Content Writing Vs Human Content Writing | AI Article Writing Vs Human Article Writing | AI Blog Writing Vs Human Blog Writing

Generative AI in the BFSI industry is often projected as a direct competitor to an expert financial writer. However, there are many reasons why they are not. We have written a detailed article on how AI content writing tools are not yet there to replace a seasoned financial writer or any other generic human writer. If you are interested, you may read it here.

There are numerous reasons why AI is not yet capable of replacing human writers, but the biggest of them all are SEO optimization and niche expertise. You can feed information about your BFSI industry, branding elements, objectives, etc. Still, it will not guarantee the optimum output you seek that a seasoned financial writer can bring. Let alone the time and resources required to set it up in the first place.

Here is a basic comparison between an expert financial writer and a Gen-AI assistant.

SME Banking and Finance Writer • Industry-specific knowledge • Industry-specific knowledge • Industry-specific knowledge • Industry-specific knowledge

Gen-AI models are always compared to SME writers, but in reality, Gen-AI models are competitors with search engines like Google, Bing, etc. While Google gives a lot of results to choose from, gen-AI models show personalized results to your search query.

Hence, AI content writing tools are not a replacement for a financial writer. They can though help SME financial writers with research for writing financial articles on different topics for you in significantly less time.

Content Whale offers exceptional banking and financial articles for your company to grow exponentially in mere months. Our BFSI writers or financial writers are seasoned professionals with enough knowledge to produce quality content personalized to your set objectives. Click here to check out our article writing services and samples.

But, do you think articles are really the best plan of action to increase web traffic, number of clients, and eventually revenue? Let alone hiring a niche financial writer.

How impactful are financial articles for your BFSI business? Let’s understand how important is quality article writing for you.

How Important is Article Writing for Your Banking & Finance Company?

Importance of Article Writing for Your Banking & Finance Company | Freelance Finance Writer or Expert Financial Writer Services

Studies have shown that companies that regularly publish articles see significant growth in their visitor counts. Well-written and SEO-optimized articles bring almost 70% traffic to your website. This encourages brand awareness and increases credibility and trust in your consumers’ minds. Below is the projection of what you can expect by hiring a financial writer.

A study by Ahrefs says the average top-ranking page also ranks in top 10 for nearly a 1,000 relevant keywords as well.

Another study by Backlinko suggests that top ranking page gets around 32% of all clicks. So, for the relevant keyword, we can expect at least 10% clicks.

Based on these statistics, we can assume the following to calculate average monthly users brought by articles to your website if you hire an exceptionally trained financial writer:

Average monthly search volume for main keyword - 10,000 searches Average monthly search volume for remaining 999 relevant keywords - 100 searches Let’s keep the bounce rate 50% even though our article is well-written and provides value. Assuming our article ranks for the main keyword, we can say: Average monthly traffic from main keyword: 10000 X 32% = 3200 Average monthly traffic from relevant keywords: 999 X 100 X 10% = 9900 So, average organic monthly traffic: 3200 + 9900 = 13100 Factoring in bounce rate: 13100 - 50% = 6550 monthly users per ranking blog.

You get around 6500 users per month if one of your blogs ranks #1 on Google. If we keep the lead generation rate at 1%, you get 65 new leads to cater in a month from a single blog. Note that these leads came from your blog, which qualifies these leads as high quality.

Another study by a renowned blogging site, BlogTyrant, which took data from Hubspot for their study, suggests that 16 or more blog posts a month increase your web traffic by 3.5x. Note that these blogs are only effective if written by an expert financial writer.

Now you know how important article writing is for your company’s growth. Well-written, SEO-optimized finance articles will help you exponentially boost your reach in less than a year. 

You can hire an in-house content writing team, train them, and provide office space and a significant chunk of your financial resources. Or you can hire a financial writer from a seasoned article writing company at a fraction of the cost. 

Content Whale is the fastest-growing article writing company in the Asia-Pacific region. We serve multiple industries and provide a one-stop solution for all content writing requirements, including strategizing, execution, and performance tracking. We have around 500+ freelance finance writers only for writing finance articles or banking articles. 

Similarly, there are many article writing agencies out there doing a phenomenal job. So, why not choose them? Let’s discuss the various parameters involved in hiring a finance article writing firm.

What Should You Consider While Hiring a Finance Article Writing Firm?

What Should You Consider While Hiring a Finance Article Writing Firm? Market Reputation BFSI Work Experience Market Influence Production Capacity and Consistent Delivery SEO Expertise Affordability

While hiring an article writing company for your financial writers, you should always consider their market reputation, previous work experience, market influence, article writing capacity, affordability, content quality, consistent delivery, and, most important – SEO expertise. Let’s go through them in detail:

Market Reputation: Reliability can only be guaranteed through trusted sources. Content Whale has been rated by the best: 

Our customer-centric approach ensures that we can deliver the best customer service possible and provide high-quality finance articles through our financial writers. 

BFSI Work Experience: We have been consistently working with ICICI, HSBC, IIFL, BimaKavach, etc., for almost a year or two, providing all types of finance articles such as thought leadership articles, educational articles, short-form articles, etc. In the past, we have also worked with Bajaj Finserv for a long 3-month project. Our certified financial editors and financial writers are well-trained to cater to any needs.

Market Influence: There are only a few qualified finance article writers and finance editors available in the market, and Content Whale is one of the top choices.

We leverage the best of our financial editors and financial writers for every finance article requirement to meet the market standards, giving us an advantage over our competitors.

Production Capacity and Consistent Delivery: With our team of seasoned finance editors and talented SME financial writers, we can deliver upto 20,000 words of content in just 48 hours of turnaround time. Our multi-layered quality checks allow us to consistently deliver error-free finance articles to you in the promised timeframe.

SEO Expertise: Following the best SEO practices, we can deliver rankworthy finance articles for you. We have written an article about article writing techniques, which you can read here.

Affordability: Our mission is to create exceptional objective-oriented articles for every requirement. Hence, we try our best to meet your expectations in terms of pricing while keeping the quality of your finance article top-notch.

So, when you are hiring yourself an article writing agency, ensure that you are analyzing them on these aspects.


Finance Article Writing Services ensure that you get the most out of banking or finance articles.

In this article, we found that different types of articles, such as educational finance articles, analytical finance articles or any kind of banking and finance article if combined with a proper content marketing strategy, can greatly impact the performance of your web reach if written by a seasoned financial writer.

We signified that AI content writing tools are not yet operative enough to be replaced by the mainstream financial writer or any expert freelance finance writer for that matter. 

We also concluded that hiring financial writers through a professional article writing company is much more resourceful and cost-effective than hiring an in-house team.

We calculated, that a single blog, if articulated and SEO-optimized precisely, can generate around 6500 users. We also summarized that 16 blogs or more per month can increase your web traffic by 3.5 times.

Lastly, we went through all the parameters involved while hiring an experienced article writing agency for your banking and finance firm.

There is no doubt, that investment in the right direction always brings returns, and sometimes exponentially. Content Whale has been serving thousands of customers for a long time now. Our huge operating team of content creation has been a worthwhile investment for our clients. 

We won’t say we are perfect, but indeed, with continuous improvement throughout the years and process innovation, we are the fastest-growing content writing firm in the whole Asia-Pacific region, with our major influence in India.

We cater to all industries, but our BFSI article writing game is the strongest within the article writing industry. Check out our basic rates through our price calculator, or directly contact us here for further discounts and offers.


Q. What is BFSI writing?

Content writing for banking, financial services and insurance companies is called BFSI writing. It includes social media content, finance articles & blogs, banking articles & blogs, website content writing, etc. We offer high-quality BFSI articles for you with the help of our SMEs and a qualified financial editor looking over their submitted content.

Q. Is article writing important in finance?

Yes. Article writing is one of the most powerful tools that any finance firm has. Studies suggest that a single blog can bring over 6,000 users to your website, depending on the quality of the article. If you want to leverage this powerful tool, contact us here.

Q. How do you write a finance article?

We follow the best practices of article writing. Our BFSI subject matter experts curate finance articles for you, structure them to suit your needs, and optimize them for SEO. Then our financial editors improve on its quality, delivering an industry-ready article for you.

Q. Where to find an SEO financial writer?

Content Whale is one of the top firms for the best SEO-optimized finance articles. We ensure that every aspect of SEO is taken care of, such as mobile optimization, keyword implementation, featured snippets, image optimization, alt text for images, FAQs, etc. Contact us, if you are looking for an SEO financial writer at affordable rates.

Q. Why Content Whale?

We have been reviewed by high-authority platforms such as Clutch, TrustPilot, GoodFirms, etc. We consistently deliver finance articles in just 48 hours. We have a huge team of financial editors and writers to cater to huge requirements. Before submitting, we ensure multiple quality checks through our quality analysts. We aim to keep a long-term partnership and work with the same mindset.

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