Bottom Funnel Keywords

Unlocking Sales: The Power of Bottom Funnel Keywords for Startups

9 mins read
May 11, 2024

When it comes to digital marketing, picking the right keywords feels like a treasure hunt. It’s all about finding those golden phrases that not only attract visitors but turn them into customers.

Now, if you’re running a startup, you know how every resource counts. You’re juggling a lot, and you need your marketing efforts to really hit the mark. This is where the magic of Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu) keywords comes in.

In fact, a fascinating piece of data reveals that page ranking for BoFu keywords can convert multiple times better than ToFu keywords. For example, BoFu keywords have conversion rates between 1% to 5%, a stark contrast to pages targeting top-of-funnel keywords, which often see conversion rates of just 0.01% to 0.5%.

Imagine the marketing funnel as a journey. At the top, you have awareness. It’s where potential customers are just getting to know you. In the middle, they’re considering their options.

But at the bottom, that’s where decisions happen. It’s the ‘action’ stage — where interest turns into a purchase. And in this bustling digital world, where startups are competing for attention, focusing on BoFu keywords can be your game-changer.

Why, you ask? Well, it’s simple. BoFu keywords target those who are ready to buy, not just browse. They’re specific, intent-driven, and are about making that crucial connection at the right moment.

In this article, we’re diving deep into why startups like yours should really zero in on these powerful phrases. It’s not just about driving traffic; it’s about driving the right traffic that converts. So, let’s get started and unlock the potential of BoFu keywords for your startup!

Understanding the Marketing Funnel

Image of a marketing funnel with users going in the top and dollar coins falling from the bottom

Before diving into the nitty-gritty of BoFu keywords, let’s take a step back and look at the bigger picture — the marketing funnel. This funnel is not just a fancy marketing term; it’s a way to understand the journey your potential customers go through, from first hearing about you to making a purchase.

The marketing funnel is a way to understand the journey that your customers go through, mapping it our from start to finish.

Top of the Funnel (ToFu): Awareness Stage

At this stage, your potential customers are just starting their journey. They might be Googling a problem they have or looking for more information on a topic. ToFu is all about creating awareness.

The keywords here are generally broader and more informational. For instance, if you’re selling organic skincare products, a ToFu keyword might be “benefits of organic skincare.”

Middle of the Funnel (MoFu): Consideration Stage

Now, your audience knows they have a need and are considering different options to solve it. This is where your content helps them compare and ponder.

Keywords here get more specific, focusing on comparisons or solution-oriented searches. Sticking with our skincare example, a MoFu keyword could be “organic vs. chemical skincare products.”

Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu): Decision Stage

This is where the magic happens. Your potential customer is ready to make a decision. They are looking for the best option to address their needs. BoFu is about conversion — turning interest into action.

Keywords here are very specific, like brand names, product names, or service-related queries. For your skincare line, a BoFu keyword might be “buy organic skincare serum online.”

Understanding these stages is crucial because it informs how you tailor your content and keyword strategy. While ToFu and MoFu are about educating and nurturing your audience, BoFu is where you close the deal. It’s about being there right at the moment when they’re ready to buy.

But why exactly should startups focus more on BoFu keywords, especially when every stage of the funnel seems important? Let’s delve into that in the next sections.

The Importance of BoFu Keywords for Startups

So, why should startups, in particular, focus on BoFu keywords? The answer lies in understanding the unique position of startups in the market and how BoFu keywords can be a strategic lever for growth.

BoFu keywords align perfectly with the needs of startups because of their high ROI and focussed approach.

  1. Cost-effectiveness and High ROI: Startups often operate with tight budgets, especially in marketing. BoFu keywords offer a more cost-effective approach compared to broader keywords. Since these keywords target individuals who are already considering a purchase, the likelihood of conversion is significantly higher. This means you’re not just driving traffic; you’re driving traffic that converts, offering a better return on your marketing investments.
  2. Targeting Ready-to-Buy Customers: The beauty of BoFu keywords is that they target users at the very end of the buying journey. These are folks who have done their research, compared options, and are now ready to open their wallets. By focusing on BoFu keywords, startups can connect with these decision-ready customers, making it easier to convert leads into sales without the need for extensive nurturing.
  3. Building Brand Trust and Loyalty: When a startup appears in search results for BoFu queries, it signals to the customer that the brand is a credible option for their specific need. This visibility at a critical decision-making moment can help build trust. Moreover, if the purchase experience is positive, it paves the way for customer loyalty and repeat business — a big win for any startup.
  4. Competitive Edge in a Crowded Market: The startup landscape is often crowded, with numerous players vying for attention. By focusing on BoFu keywords, startups can differentiate themselves at the point where it matters most — the purchase point. This strategic focus can give startups an edge over competitors who might still be casting wider nets at the top of the funnel.
  5. Quick Wins and Measurable Impact: Given the direct nature of BoFu keywords, the impact of campaigns targeting these keywords can be measured more quickly and accurately. This immediacy is crucial for startups that need to assess and iterate their strategies for maximum efficacy rapidly.

In essence, BoFu keywords align perfectly with the needs of startups — efficient use of limited resources for maximum impact. They represent a focused approach in the vast ocean of digital marketing, one that brings startups closer to their ultimate goal: converting interest into tangible sales.

In the next section, we’ll dive into how startups can implement a BoFu keyword strategy effectively, making sure every marketing dollar counts.

Implementing a BoFu Keyword Strategy: Real-World Examples

In the world of digital marketing, real-world examples often provide the best insights. When it comes to implementing a successful Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu) keyword strategy, startups can learn a lot from companies that have successfully navigated this terrain.

1. Viva Digital’s SEO Approach

Viva Digital, a digital marketing agency, showcases a profound understanding of customer intent in their SEO campaigns. They focus on identifying high-intent BoFu keywords, such as “buy now” or “best price,” which are crucial for users ready to make a purchase.

This strategy involves crafting compelling content around these keywords and optimizing landing pages to ensure a seamless user experience, leading to increased conversions and ROI. Viva Digital also emphasizes the importance of leveraging customer testimonials and dynamic remarketing to engage with potential customers effectively.

2. Crisp Chat’s Content Strategy

Crisp Chat, a business messaging platform, utilized a strategy known as programmatic SEO to generate a large volume of BoFu content. They created 23,000 pages of BoFu content, targeting low-competition, long-tail keywords, which are easier to rank for and bring in targeted traffic.

This approach demonstrates the power of scaling content production without sacrificing quality, resulting in significant traffic increases and potential customer conversions.

Effective BoFu Content Types

Another strategy that has worked for brands, especially startups, is using different types of BoFu content that have proven to be highly effective in converting prospects.

These include comparison content, where products are directly compared with competitors; alternative roundups to distinguish a product from the competition; and pricing pages that clearly communicate costs and value.

Additionally, case studies and white papers/e-books provide in-depth information and demonstrate authority on a topic, which is crucial for prospects at the decision-making stage.

Key Takeaways for Startups

Visual of a man taking away a piece from a puzzle to showcase key takeaways of BoFu strategy for startups
  • Identify High-Intent Keywords: Startups should focus on keywords that indicate a readiness to purchase, like specific product names or terms related to pricing and comparisons.
  • Create Compelling and Relevant Content: Use these keywords to craft content that speaks directly to the user’s needs at the decision stage.
  • Optimize Landing Pages: Ensure that your landing pages are user-friendly, fast, and have clear calls-to-action, aligning with the BoFu content.
  • Utilize Customer Testimonials and Case Studies: These elements add credibility and trust, encouraging users to make a purchase.
  • Leverage Technology for Scaling: Consider techniques like programmatic SEO to create a large volume of high-quality BoFu content efficiently.

Challenges in Implementing a BoFu Strategy

As we wrap up our exploration of Bottom of the Funnel (BoFu) keywords and their importance for startups, it’s crucial to acknowledge that the journey isn’t without its challenges.

  • Balancing the Funnel: While focusing on BoFu is important, neglecting the other stages of the funnel — ToFu and MoFu — can lead to a lack of awareness and consideration, which are essential for a healthy sales pipeline.
  • Staying Relevant and Up-to-date: BoFu content needs regular updates to remain relevant, especially in rapidly changing industries. This requires continuous market research and content revision.
  • Finding the Right Keywords: Identifying the most effective BoFu keywords is a mix of art and science, requiring a deep understanding of customer intent and continuous analysis of search trends.
  • Competition: Since BoFu keywords are highly specific, there is often increased competition from other companies targeting the same keywords.


Despite these challenges, focusing on BoFu keywords is a wise strategy for startups looking to make the most of their marketing efforts. By targeting customers who are ready to make a purchase, startups can achieve a higher ROI, even with limited resources.

Remember, it’s about quality over quantity. A few well-placed BoFu keywords can yield better results than a plethora of broad, less-targeted terms. The key is to remain agile, continuously adapt your strategy based on market feedback, and balance your focus across the entire marketing funnel.

So, take these insights, rise to the challenge, and watch as your startup harnesses the power of BoFu keywords to close more deals and drive growth. With persistence, creativity, and a keen understanding of your audience, you can turn these challenges into opportunities and seal the deal with your target customers.

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