Fintech | Blog writing, Content strategy

Transformation with Content Whale

KhataBook has been building a lot of momentum in the BFSI space in India since 2019. They've made it easy for small shops and businesses to keep track of their money with their app. But they had some tricky problems to solve.

The Challenge

Handling Lots of Services
Kundan saw limited traffic online for gold/silver coins and bars, impacting sales and custom orders.
Looking for Expert Writers
They wanted to promote their "Zeya by Kundan" sub-brand in the competitive jewellery market.
Drawing More Web Visitors
Ineffective utilisation of the website's shop section for product sales.

How we helped them grow

Internal Linking Structure
We created user journey funnels using informational blog articles and an internal linking structure to help users navigate to related blog articles and KhataBook’s service pages, such as accounting software and GST invoicing services, as they progressed down the funnel.
Content Plan
We employed a dedicated team of finance writers and verified it with the help of our BFSI subject matter experts. We used this strategy to develop authority in YMYL (Your Money Your Life) topics.

The Impact that we made

Keywords Ranked
KhataBook started showing up in Google searches a lot more, going from 456 to a huge 28,316 keywords!
Traffic Growth
1.4 million
As a result of ranking more on Google, KhataBook’s traffic also grew impressively. First, it was 19,500 visitors, then 84,500, and now 1.4 million.
New Heights
17x Bigger
As a result of ranking more on Google, KhataBook’s traffic also grew impressively. First, it was 19,500 visitors, then 84,500, and now 1.4 million.
The Takeaway

We helped KhataBook get more inbound traffic and helped them discover KhataBook’s services by creating a funnel strategy. We created blogs based on user journey flows and allows users to navigate the website better using an internal linking structure. Our efforts helped KhataBook immensely by helping them ranking on 28k+ keywords and get 1.4M in inbound traffic.