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7 Digital Marketing Trends
That Will Own 2020

Marketing any product to earn more sales and revenue is not new to anyone who is a business owner, entrepreneur, or any company. Marketing includes reaching out to potential customers through various forms of advertising. The advertising might consist of, but is not limited to, publishing ads in a newspaper, putting up billboards, and reaching customers or potential ones via various electronic gadgets. Today the world is a digital village, with businesses using digital marketing trends in 2020 and looking forward to reaching more customers in the coming days. According to a study conducted by Internet World Stats, the growth of internet users in 2019 was 58.8% more than in 1995, and it unsurprisingly continues to grow.

Why choose digital marketing?

Most internet users are youth, teenagers, or young adults. Among the youth and teenagers, social media platforms have started gaining traction at an unbelievably fast rate. Some of the top digital marketing trends in 2020 have started gaining popularity because of these social media platforms. Digital marketing goes hand in hand with social media marketing, and most of the time are often mistaken for one another. However, when we speak of digital marketing, we are talking about endless marketing possibilities via email, video, SMS-based, and website based 2020 digital marketing trends.

How is digital marketing helpful for both small and big businesses?

Study shows that, in 2018, around 33 million, 94.7% of the Canadian population, are using the internet. It is expected to grow in the coming year, so if businesses follow the right digital marketing trends in 2020, there is a high chance they will be able to gain a strong foothold against their competitors. Traditional marketing is slowly waning away for multiple reasons. To keep up with top digital marketing trends in 2020, business owners need to switch to it and follow the trends.

Big businesses are turning to digital marketing too. The authentic feeling of contacting the brands and labels directly whenever any issues arise makes the customer more interested in a brand. Following the digital marketing trends of 2020, many of the brands from Canada have hired a team for social media marketing that handles the query and issues related to their products. This way, the customers could always take their problems to the concerned authority.

So what are the seven digital marketing trends that will own 2020?

Every year, digital marketers are coming up with new trends to up their game. However, this is only essential if the businesses want to create their trends for good instead of following others. Customers welcome originality in anything that is fun and easy to use. Here are seven of the 2020 digital marketing trends that will dominate the marketing industry:

The authenticity of the brands: The larger part of consumers in Canada prefers the brand's authenticity before they make any purchase. When scammers and phony brands emerge with fraudulent products, authenticity is the primary key to survival in the business world. People seem to be more interested in brands with genuine customer reviews rather than bot-generated ones.

Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence (AI) will be one of the top digital marketing trends in 2019. Small and big businesses use AI chatbots, which can generate an instant reply to specific questions by customers. Chatbots quickly reply with answers that require quick Google searches, which might take a minute or two for humans. AI helps marketers buy ads and target the right demographics of customers in the right place at the right time.

Video Ad: Personalised Video Ads are expected to take over digital marketing trends in 2019. Everyone loves receiving instant personalized messages from brands and companies, even if it's too simple. When all the brands opt for bot-generated messages sent to the mass, a personalized video ad could make more difference than anyone could imagine.

Voice Search Optimization: Recently, voice search platforms have seen tremendous growth. Many Canadian consumers prefer to search for local businesses via voice search. So, providing necessary business information about small or big companies and making it available on voice search platforms could be considered one of the top digital marketing trends in 2020.

Communities: Brands build communities for their customers and develop an emotional connection between the customers, creating a loyal customer base. Communities can increase their business by offering a certain discount to the community members or releasing a new product to the community members before it goes public. It can increase the sales of a brand.

Brands and retailer collaboration: Collaborating with local retailers is another marketing trend that will bring the brands more business. Some people are more likely to trust local retailers than any brand, no matter how well-known the brand is. Therefore, collaboration would help both the retailer and the brand.

Visual Search: Among all the 2020 digital marketing trends discussed, Visual search will revolutionize the marketing industry. Searching for anything is now made easier with Visual Search. This kind of search can identify any object when the phone camera is pointed toward it and can do a web search for similar objects.

Along with these, experts believe that shoppable posts on social media, interactive content, and smart bidding in Google Ads will take digital marketing trends in 2020 to a new level.


Many small businesses have emerged in the last few years in Canada. They should follow digital marketing trends to keep up with all the recent marketing trends and stay on top of the game against their competitors. It will also help them make a distinct identity for the business. Business owners should focus on making the customers happy and learn to enjoy their business with fun marketing. Change in every field, including marketing, is inevitable. These changes are survived by understanding what will stay around for extended periods.

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