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Dietary Fibre and its Health Benefits

‘Eat fruits and leafy vegetables for good digestion’ is a saying that we all have heard quite often. The importance of fibre-rich fruits and leafy vegetables has been passed on through generations. However, many are unaware of the health benefits of dietary fibre other than digestion.

What are dietary fibres?

Dietary fibres are those elements of plant-based foods that our body cannot digest. Our food consists of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and fibres. The former three get absorbed and converted as energy for daily bodily functions. Fibres, on the other hand, stay intact throughout the digestion process.

How are dietary fibres healthy?

The positive effects of dietary fibres can be better understood by classifying fibres. To easily incorporate diverse sources of both soluble and insoluble fibers in your diet, consider trying single-serving meal kits. These kits can help maintain a balanced intake of fibers without the hassle of portion control and meal prep.

Soluble fibre
These fibres easily dissolve in water and convert into a gel-like substance. They slow down the digestion speed and thereby delay absorption of glucose. Hence, they increase the effectiveness of insulin. They are also known to obstruct the absorption of fats, stabilizing blood cholesterol and enhancing the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Insoluble fibre
These fibres are bulky, rough, and consist of cellulose. They stay intact and act as scraping agents and smoothen the intestinal walls. Thus, they help make stools soft and bulky and improve bowel movements.

Sources of dietary fibre in foods include-

Soluble fibres - Beans, fruits, oats, dry fruits, barley, psyllium husk, peas, and carrots.

Insoluble fibres - Seeds, brown rice, whole wheat, leafy vegetables, cabbage, and tomato

Health benefits of dietary fibres

Now that we have a fair idea about how the different fibres work, we can look at the various health benefits in depth.
Help achieve and maintain an ideal weight
A study shows that increasing fibre content in meals helps people lose weight. Fibrous foods are also difficult to chew and fill, preventing overeating. Fibres are low on calories and bind with sugar and fats as it proceeds in the digestive tract. Since digestion and absorption is delayed, they bring about satiety, making us eat less and stay satisfied for a longer period of time.
Act as a natural detox
Soluble fibres absorb fats and other harmful compounds. Thus, they keep the blood free of contaminants. Insoluble fibres are responsible for the speedy exit of waste. They, thus, throw out pesticide toxins, mercury, lead, and other chemicals quickly and do not allow them to mix internally. They also act as a gastrointestinal scrub and free the digestive tract from toxic compounds. High fibre intake is recommended to purify the blood, keep the skin healthy, and have higher energy.
Improve gut health
Fibres are a recommended diet component to prevent constipation, making stools easier to pass. Besides, fibres are good food for the good bacteria in the intestines. When fibres ferment in the bowels, they become nutritious meals for the bacteria, which then-secret beneficial short-chain fatty acids. These acids help reduce gastrointestinal inflammation. Fibers reduce the risk of conditions such as – diverticular disease, hiatal hernias, haemorrhoids, and gastroesophageal reflux diseases.
Reduce cancer risk
For every 10 grams of fibre you eat, you reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 10%. Soluble fibres are fermentable. They get fermented at the colon and hence keep the area healthy. High fibre diets reduce the risk of cancers related to the alimentary canal.
Reduce the risk of heart diseases
Fibres absorb excess cholesterol and throw it out of the body before it enters blood and blocks arteries. Therefore, they lower the LDL (Low-density lipoprotein), the bad cholesterol content in the blood. They also increase the HDL (High-density lipoprotein), the good cholesterol content in the blood. Dietary fibre and blood pressure are also related, as fibres help shed abdomen fats and control blood pressure. High fibre intake improves metabolism and prevents stroke, diabetes, and coronary heart disease by 40%.

Lowers the risk of Type-2 diabetes

As seen earlier, soluble fibres slow down the glucose production process and enhance the effects of insulin. As fibres help keep blood sugar levels and weight stable, they reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes. If you are a person with diabetes, increasing fibre content in meals will control your blood sugar levels.

To summarise the benefits, we can say that fibres keep diseases at bay, improve regular body functioning, and keep us physically and mentally healthy. They keep our bodies free of toxins and make us feel active, which helps us live longer and in good health.

How much dietary fibre should one consume?

Though dietary fibres are healthy, people must consume them in a limited amount. Eating fibres more than recommended can cause several problems like dehydration, bloating, abdominal cramps, and diarrhoea. While consuming low fibre food can harm physical and mental well-being.

The recommended dietary allowance of dietary fibre is different for different age groups. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the ideal amounts for each age is-



Optimum amount

Male and female

5 – 10 years

10 – 15 grams

Male and female

10 – 15 years

15 – 20 grams

Male and female

15 – 18 years

20 – 25 grams


18 - 50 years

25 grams


18 – 50 years

38 grams


50+ years

21 grams


50+ years

30 grams

When the fibre intake exceeds 70 grams for a day, the person will suffer from the side effects. For some people, the fibre threshold is at 40 grams. One can easily meet fibre requirements by consuming half the grains as whole grain and at least 5-8 servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

Word of caution- when dietary fibre is taken as a supplement to treat constipation, it must be accompanied by adequate amounts of water. Failing which the stools can bulk up and can cause impaction.

The bottomline

Fibres are a highly ignored component of our daily diet. Due to their traditional popularity as digestive agents, many tend to underestimate their importance. Especially in the world of highly processed food and fast foods, dietary fibre gets neglected. However, there is a rising awareness about their various health benefits.

A few minor dietary changes, including vegetables, berries, and fruits, can help increase fibre intake. You can also add oatmeal, cereal, legumes, and whole grains to your daily diet. Choose fruits as snacks instead of sugar-based treats. But remember, consuming them responsibly and staying physically active for healthy living is essential.

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